What if I am under 21? Are there different penalties for underage DWI?

Those under the legal drinking age of 21 are still subject to Minnesota DWI laws. In addition, a “not-a-drop” drinking and driving law applies to those under 21. This law punishes underage drivers who had any amount of alcohol in their system while driving a motor vehicle. A conviction for a not-a-drop underage drinking and driving offense results in a 30 day license suspension for a first-time offense.

Extra administrative penalties apply for 16 and 17 year old drivers convicted of DWI. This is known as Vanessa’s law. A 16 or 17 year-old convicted of DWI will not be eligible for a driver's license until they turn 18. They will be required to repeat driver’s education and to drive with an instructor’s permit for three months after having their license reinstated.