Protect your rights NOW — 24/7 hotline to speak with Minneapolis rape / CSC charge defense lawyer David Balmer
It is no surprise that “sex crimes” such as rape, molestation, and child pornography are the crimes that our society finds to be the most detestable. When reputations are at stake emotions run high. An overzealous prosecutor can end a career when making charging decisions; a consensual encounter may not seem so consensual in the morning; the age of a sexual partner may not have been what you thought.
The social, emotional and economic consequences of being publicly charged with one of these offenses are devastating. If you are aware that you are suspected of being involved in this type of crime, contact a reputable Minnesota criminal defense attorney immediately. The assistance of an attorney may help you avoid charges altogether.
Based in the southwest metro, Minneapolis-area criminal defense attorney David Balmer practices in the Twin Cities and throughout Minnesota. The Balmer Law Office is available via its 24-hour hotline: 612-326-4175.
Convictions for these crimes result in some of the most severe punishments imposed under under Minnesota law—in some cases a conviction for murder may carry less prison time than a conviction for criminal sexual conduct. If you have been accused of a sex crime, do everything in your power to retain a competent Minnesota criminal defense lawyer.
Contact the Balmer Law Office — Minnesota Sex Crimes Defense Attorney
If you or a loved one has been arrested, charged, or questioned by police in connection with a possible sex crime anywhere in Minnesota, contact the Balmer Law Office for a free, confidential case evaluation. The Balmer Law Office is available via its 24-hour hotline: 612-326-4175.